Sunday, September 25, 2016

I was sitting watching some movies with my nephew, discussing movies as we do on weekends. He asked me what my favorite movies were. I looked at him liked he asked me a question to complex to answer. He then asked me - "Then tell me if you can answer what is YOUR favorite movie of all time". I almost stroked. "Dude, I can't answer that - like ever!" Just then a thousand movies started spewing out of my mouth. What do I pick a western? Crime? Comedy? Documentary? Historical? Drama? There are too many to name that deserve to be on my list. My favorites? There a about a thousand. I've been watching movies since I was able to go to the theatre. Once I found that movies are played on the TV, even better. I can watch them over and over again. My attention is always there no matter how many times I've seen it. I can watch the same movies again and again, especially if they remind me of my youth, times I've spent with my mom and dad. I remember the last time we took in a movie it was Smoky and the Bandit. Our whole family went to that movie. It was to be the last time, my brother who is older than me just didn't want to spend time with me anymore. He was a teenager then and did what typical teenagers do and that is shut out the rest of the family. I will always watch Smokey and The Bandit and remember the old times. My moms favorite movie was Boat Trip.  That was the last full feature movie I saw with my mom. She was having chemotherapy at the time. She was very depressed and in pain. I thought a movie will take her mind off it. I was right we laughed through the whole thing. It was great. It would be the last time we would spend any length of time together without her being in pain. She passed in 2003. I miss her everyday. That movie is a keeper obviously not for the reason the movie was great per se, but the memory that it provides me of the time me and my mom watching the movie under the blanket in her bed.
DVD's that I will keep in my DVD library are called KEEPERS. Otherwise I toss. If the movie sucked then the DVD gets tossed.
I can tell a movie is going to be good usually by the previews. If the preview sucks then I wait for the DVD to come out. It's go to motivate me to pay $12 to go see it at the theatre otherwise I wait for the DVD or just wait for it to come to the TV. No need to waste money. I rarely go by the critics reviews. I like to be entertained. If the movie doesn't entertain me then it sucks.
I like movies that can be believed. Movies that let me escape my life even for 2 hours. I see things on the screen that I wish I could do, fight like a bad ass, places I wish I can go - outer space, other planets or even other countries. I like the USA thank you very much. No need to go else where. I'd be too out of my element, I'm picky for food, picky where I sleep and never mind the plane rides! I hate flying. IF I were to travel I would do one quick trip to all my bucket list! Which is --Fly to Greece to see the ruins, take a photo op and get back on the plane and fly to Egypt and see that pyramids, get back on the plane and head to FIJI to see the beaches and get back on the plane to see Mexicos Pyramids then back home. That should take 3 days? maybe. Anyway....
Love my movies. I hope to blog when I can, talk about new movies and my old favorites. who knows they may be some of yours too.

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